Mice are very cute little animals, except when they come to help themselves in the cupboards, do their business in the laundry, or trot around in all the rooms of the house. Truc Mania loves animals. So we give you natural tips to keep mice away from your home without hurting them and without harming the environment.
They purify our interior and keep moths away from kitchen cupboards and dressing rooms, essential oils also have the power to keep rodents away.
Mice do not like certain smells, especially when they are very concentrated, as is the case with essential oils. To embalm your interior with these pleasant scents, you must have a diffuser and put a few drops of the following essences in it, according to your preference.
The most effective in repelling mice are:
- peppermint;
- Laurel ;
- lavender;
- eucalyptus;
- Sage.
You can also use a bunch of fresh mints, and put garlic cloves around where they pass to enter your house.
If you do not have a diffuser, soak a cotton ball with a few drops of essential oil of your choice and place it in each strategic location.
It’s a pretty amazing mix, and yet it’s featured in the best grandmother’s cookbooks. To keep mice away, place half a lemon in front of places where they are likely to pass.
When the lemon has started to mold, sprinkle it generously with pepper. No one knows exactly why they don’t like it, but the mice have the reflex to avoid the scent of pepper and lemon combined to turn around.
Strong odors disturb rodents and encourage them to flee. This is the case of these 3 plants that they particularly hate. You can pick a few sprigs of sage and laurel and place them in places of passage to deter mice from entering.
Eucalyptus-scented household products are very effective in keeping rodents away, don’t hesitate to give them a place of choice in your cupboards.
If you have a cat, you probably don’t have mice in your home. If your kitty has resigned or if he does not have access to the places where the mice are embedded, there is an intermediate solution.
Place a handful of kitty litter in areas frequented by mice. They don’t like its smell and you will be proud to have saved lives by keeping them away from your tomcat.
If they manage to return despite this, it remains to be hoped that they will leave before the end of your faithful companion’s nap.
Mice don’t like the smell of cloves, they hate the smell of clove oil even more. To keep them away, put a few nails in the fabric and close them with a small string. Drop your small bag towards the holes through which they come in, they should turn back when they smell the smell.
Even more effective, cotton soaked in clove oil should rid you of their presence throughout the winter season.
Rodents do not like the texture, the shiny side, and the slippery surface of aluminum foil. If you cover the places of passage with aluminum, they will not dare to venture there.
You can also form balls and plug the holes that allow them to penetrate inside your home.
It is an interesting solution to keep mice away without harming their health. You can easily find ultrasonic devices in DIY stores, drugstores, or garden shops.
By producing sounds that only rodents hear, these devices cause no harm to humans and their health. They have a limit because mice have very great adaptability. They will therefore quickly reassure themselves of this presence and dare to penetrate despite this unpleasant presence to their ears.
The snake is a natural predator of the mouse and this information is written in its genes. She will therefore immediately recognize the smell of snake excrement and will not risk her skin venturing any further.
If you are a fan of boas or pythons, all you have to do is collect the droppings of your friends in their terrarium. If you don’t keep reptiles at home, go to a garden center to buy snake droppings, packaged in packets.
With these different tips, you will get rid of mice, but you will have peace of mind, they will leave your home safe and sound!